
Phosphorus - Spot Urine

Phosphorus is a substance that helps in the growth of bones and teeth. This is also responsible for muscle functionality. This test measures Phosphorus in the urine to detect phosphorus imbalance.
Test Code: 180
₹ 150.00

Phosphorus Spot Urine Test:

Why Phosphorus Spot Urine Test?


Phosphorous is an element essential for life and found in every cell of the human body. Phosphorous constitutes in the fundamental components of life-sustaining complex compounds required for the essential functioning of the cells (normal function) through phosphates, compounds containing phosphate ions, structural organization of DNA, RNA, ATP, phospholipids etc. Phosphorus is the second most abundant macro-mineral in the human body that contribute to 1% of total body weight. Even though phosphorous is distributed in every cell of the body, the majority of phosphorous is accumulated in the teeth and bones. Phosphorous has an important role in kidneys (kidney function), muscles (muscle contraction), promoting nerve conduction, blood vessels, regulation of heartbeat, elimination of end products of metabolism (metabolites), filtering and removing waste, repairing damaged tissues (wound healing), to maintain the body’s energy usage and storage etc. Insufficient or phosphorous deficiency leads to hypophosphatemia. Causes of phosphorous deficiency include hypercalcemia, primary hyperparathyroidism, malnutrition, lack of vitamin D (long-standing cases), Cushing’s disease, hypothyroidism, parathyroid disease, vitamin D deficiency, malnutrition, use of diuretics, dialysis, diabetes, alcoholism, kidney diseases, IBD, certain medications like antacids, anti-seizure drugs, ACE inhibitors, cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, cyclosporins, diuretics, heparins, NSAIDS etc. Clinical manifestations are anaemia, bone pain, stiff joints, muscle weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, electrolyte imbalance, respiratory failure, fractures, greater risk of infection, confusion, coordination problem, anxiety, irritability etc. When lack of phosphorous is accompanied by decreased calcium and vitamin D it leads to weaker and/or soft bones. In chronic and in untreated cases the condition can lead to complications such as muscle, and joint pains, and life-threatening complications such as coma. High phosphorous (hyperphosphatemia) may result in due to pathologies including diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoparathyroidism, kidney failure, liver diseases, hyper-vitaminosis (vitamin D), intake of high phosphorous rich diets, and use of laxatives. Increased levels of phosphorus (hyperphosphatemia) may favour in causing disorders such as decalcification in the bones (osteophorosis) in the body, increased cardiovascular risk, stroke, stomach cramps and moreover, in chronic stages, it can lead to a further cascade of pathological events such as calcification – i.e deposition of calcium in the blood vessels, lungs, eyes, heart, kidneys (renal calcification) etc. Increased phosphorous acts as an antagonist, hence interfering and blocking calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc etc. When the levels of phosphorous exceed higher concentrations can damage the kidneys and hence can result in renal complications eg. chronic kidney disease – i.e loss of function leading to kidney failure. Clinical signs and symptoms include joint pain, muscle pain, muscle weakness, constipation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc. High levels of phosphorous increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, injury to the renal tubules etc. 

General Instructions:

Sample RequirementSpecimen - Urine Sample (Spot Urine). Test Preparation: None.

NOTE - Sample for specimen collections may vary based on the patient’s condition/cases according to the patient’s presenting complaints/signs or symptoms:

SPECIMEN REQUIREMENT (Special or Rare Cases) - As instructed and guided by Physician / Clinician / Pathologist / as per Laboratory’s requirements, according to procedures and protocols.

This Multi-Specialty Clinical Referral Laboratory RT DIAGNOSTICS provides precise and accurate tests with an extensive range of testing services to the medical centres to help in the diagnosis and identification of pathology in the test specimens for infectious diseases and also to evaluate the function of organ systems of the patient. It prevents further complications and helps to stabilize and restore health to near normalcy at the earliest without delay.